Saturday, 13 July 2013

Idaho, you have little time to win us over.

First impression? Not solid. We stopped at a McDonald's in Newport, WA, literally across the street from the Idaho border. Washington side? Reputable establishments and grass that had been mowed within the month. Looking across the street offered views of handpainted signs for the gun/pawn shop, the state liquor store, and weeds everywhere. We started on our way to Albeni Cove, an Army Corps operated recreation site with a campground. Our maps did not detail the fact that we would be following a gravel road that bobbed up and down like a whack-a-mole. Emi had a pretty bad fall after losing control going down the horrid road. We were already angry enough at the situation; this didn't help matters. We walked our bikes the last couple of kilometers, and rolled into the campsite as the sun began to sink below the hills.

The park office had three people working, all of whom said, "Oh y'all shoulda gone to Priest River, they have cyclist camping for $5! They call it the mud pit!"

Backtrack on that road, in the dark, and then go 8km east? Yeah sounds reasonable. Thanks for the tip. Now here's my $18 for a parking spot that will have to double as a tent pad for the night. If you'll let me pretend like I'm sleeping while the obnoxious band of drunk 14 year olds comment on the girth of their mothers, the easiness of their alleged girlfriends, and their sexual orientations, that would be swell!

Needless to say, the next day had us feeling sluggish. We walked to the main road along a different gravel hill path, and finally got rolling around noon on our way to Sandpoint, where we planned to check ourselves in to the K2 Inn, hit a restaurant and/or pub, catch up on our blogs, plan our next few days, and unwind.

It is going well. Idaho, you are redeeming yourself a bit.

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